A Russian Bear Page 2
Wait, just like that? Mischa looked not-so-patiently at him. Apparently so. Tom took a deep breath. He had to say this.
"I. I might not be... good." He looked up, insecure. "I've never done it before."
Mischa stepped close again, caressing Tom's cheek. Tom closed his eyes and sighed, leaning into Mischa's hand.
"That's why we're doing it, baby. To teach you. Now, are you ready?"
His mind was racing. If he accepted, then this was it. He was going to be fucked, and he was going to do everything Mischa told him to do. In a split second, Tom thought he was going to come. Then he laughed at himself; if he could be this excited just thinking about it, then to hell with his worries. He was going to do it, and he was going to do it right. He straightened up and looked at Mischa.
"I'm ready. What would you like me to do?"
"Undress. Then I'll teach you how to give a proper blowjob, and afterward, I'll fuck your ass." God. The man wasn't making it easy for him, was he?
Tom had never felt so exposed in his life as when he started to undress himself. Mischa sat back on the bed, fully dressed, and watched him.
He didn't have any problems with his body, but Mischa's stare still made him a little self-conscious. He hesitated when he came to his briefs.
"I want them off, too." Mischa's voice was firm, self-assured. Tom's cock liked it.
He took a deep breath, took off his underwear, and turned around to face Mischa again. He refused to cover his dick.
"Nice." Mischa got up and let his hand slide appreciatively over Tom's chest and abs. Then he returned to the bed, leaning back on his hands.
"Now, come over here and get on your knees."
For a moment, Tom couldn't move. This was so hard. Mischa's eyes got softer.
"You're doing fine. Now, kneel in front of me."
He managed to make his legs work, took the three longest steps of his life, and sank to his knees in front of his... master. Even just thinking the word made a shudder go through Tom. He lifted his eyes.
"Very good. Very obedient." Mischa stroked his hair. "Open my pants."
He reached for the button and then carefully lowered the zipper, getting the hard cock out through the slit in Mischa's boxers.
"Jesus!" Tom blushed. "Sorry! It's just... It's kind of big." Mischa didn't seem to take offense; there was an amused expression on his face.
"The balls, too." How could the man sound so normal in this situation? Tom did as he was told.
"Now, I want you to lick it and kiss it. Do what you feel like."
He took a deep breath to brace himself and got the scent of aroused man. Intrigued, he inched closer, sniffing again. He could hear Mischa's gentle laugh and blushed. Then he tentatively stuck out his tongue, getting his very first taste of dick.
His first thought was that it tasted nice. He let himself explore some more, leaning in to lick up and down the shaft, kissing it a bit.
"The head, too." Mischa had started breathing a little faster. At least Tom was doing something right.
He gingerly licked the head of the cock, catching the drop glistening in the slit. Mischa moaned, and that gave Tom the courage to take the entire cockhead into his mouth.
He let his tongue swirl around it, finding that spot underneath the head that was a serious sensitive spot for himself. It seemed to be for Mischa, too; the man jerked and grabbed Tom's hair.
Tom experimentally tried to go a bit lower. He couldn't take much before he gagged. Disappointed, he withdrew and looked up at Mischa.
"Breathe through your nose. You'll get used to it soon." Mischa gently pushed Tom's head back down. "Cover your teeth with your lips and use your tongue to make it good for me. Oh, yes, like that."
Encouraged, he tried again, going a little deeper. He gagged again, but this time Mischa held him down, only letting him up after a while, coughing and drooling.
"Shh, you're doing fine." Mischa stroked his cheek. "I wanted to show you that, even if it feels that way, it won't kill you. Just breathe and accept it, and you'll be fine."
Tom swallowed and nodded. He really wanted to be good at this. He took a deep breath and took the cock into his mouth again.
He worked his tongue around the underside of the dick, going up and down a bit and stroking the shaft with his hand. When Mischa forced Tom's head down to the point where he started to gag, this time he tried swallowing. It made it a little easier, at least for a while, and Mischa definitely liked it, if the groaning and the jerking hips were anything to go by. Tom withdrew again, coughing and catching his breath.
"So good, boy. You're so eager. Play with my balls, too."
He obeyed, thrilled with the praise and his own need to please. He sucked down the shaft again, bobbing his head up and down. He still gagged when he got down too far, but he stubbornly kept on, all the while gently playing with the big orbs in Mischa's sac.
There was no doubt that Mischa liked it. The man had both hands buried deeply in Tom's hair, moaning each time Tom's tongue hit the slit or Tom swallowed around his dick. Mischa's hips started moving, and soon he was fucking Tom's mouth.
Tom did his best to keep up, swallowing and gagging and rubbing the part of Mischa's dick that he couldn't get into his mouth. Mischa grabbed his hair again and forced himself all the way into Tom's throat, coming in long, jerking strokes. "Fuck yes, boy!" Mischa shouted, while Tom struggled to breathe. Finally, Mischa let him up, the last stream of come hitting Tom across his face.
Mischa grabbed Tom's face, pulled him up, and kissed him deeply. Tom surrendered, letting Mischa plunder his mouth. He had started to rub against the muscular leg under him when Mischa finally let him go.
"Oh, no, boy, you can't come yet." Tom was pushed back down on his knees. Suddenly, he felt extremely exposed, being naked next to a fully dressed man. Well, not entirely dressed. Mischa's semi-hard dick hung out of his pants, and the man looked very satisfied. Tom felt a pang of satisfaction and excitement going through him at the thought that he was responsible for this.
Mischa smiled knowingly, as if he could read Tom's mind. "You liked that, didn't you?" Tom blushed, but nodded. He had never been coy. And his very hard cock made it impossible to lie, anyway.
"You did well." Mischa leaned forward and kissed him again. "Still up for round two?"
Tom felt nervous and unbearably excited at the same time. "Fuck, yes."
Mischa laughed. "Good boy." He stood up, moving away the covers. "Get up here while I undress."
Tom got into the bed. At first he felt a little exposed, being there alone and naked. As soon as Mischa started undressing, though, he forgot it in favor of staring.
Mischa was even better looking naked than in his suit. He was kind of wide, but without much fat on him, and he had a presence that made it impossible for Tom to look away.
"Like what you see?" The satisfaction was barely hidden in Mischa's voice.
Tom could only nod. His dick hadn't once lost its hardness since their conversation in the bar.
Mischa walked toward the bed, his posture that of a predator ready to attack. Then the look on his face got softer, and he lay down next to Tom. "You really did do well." He gently stroked Tom's cheek. Tom closed his eyes, enjoying it. "We can stop now if you want -- I don't have to fuck you if you're scared."
Tom opened his eyes. "I am a little scared, but that only makes it hotter, you know -- knowing that I'm going to do it anyway. That you're going to fuck me no matter what. So yes, I still want it. A lot."
"You like this, don't you?" Tom thought he was going to drown in his embarrassment. Mischa just smirked.
Mischa bent over to get something from his pants. Lube and condoms. "I'll open you up and use lots of lube to ensure that you won't be harmed, but I do want you to feel me taking you. It will hurt, but you can scream or cry if you need it, okay?" Tom nodded. "And if you're worrying about the noise, then don't. I asked to get a room with no neighbors. I like to watch TV at night, you know." Mischa sniggered.<
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Tom didn't know what scared him most -- Mischa's words or the way they excited him. Mischa seemed to know, and the man took Tom's head between his hands and kissed him.
"From now on, everything is okay. Don't hide your reactions. I want to hear you, even if you don't think you can take it or you hate me for doing it to you. I'll make you anyway." He kissed Tom again. "And I'll take you through it."
Tom groaned and leaned into the kiss again. This was almost too much. For the first time, Mischa reached down and grabbed his cock.
"Oh, yes, you like this." Mischa kissed him again, stroking his cock slowly. Tom whimpered and tried to move faster, to get more friction. It only made Mischa let go of him entirely, and he moaned in frustration.
"Now, we can't have you coming too soon, can we?" Tom really thought they could. No problem. Mischa laughed at him, clearly reading his mind. "I decide when. And that will be when I'm inside you, fucking you hard."
Tom moaned out loud, reaching for Mischa. "If you keep talking like this, you're going to make me come."
"You can't come until I tell you to."
"Fuck." Tom stared, but didn't protest. Mischa didn't sound like a man who would like to be contradicted, and Tom nodded. "Okay."
"Good boy. Now, let us get started."
Tom had to take a deep breath. Suddenly, the nerves threatened to overwhelm him. Like before, Mischa seemed to read his mind.
"It's okay, you'll be fine. Don't worry."
Easy for Mischa to say after the speech he made before. But Tom let himself be rolled onto his back, Mischa leaning in to kiss him. The soft kiss eased Tom a bit, made him remember why he was here. To be fucked. Suddenly he felt the excitement come back.
Mischa smiled that crooked smile again and reached for the lube, bending over Tom's chest to nuzzle his nipples at the same time. Tom shouted, back arched with the feeling. Mischa sucked and nibbled, and Tom was going to explode if he didn't get off soon.
Looking like the cat that got the cream, Mischa didn't try to hide his smile. "Looks like you have a lot of potential to explore here another time." Tom was panting, unable to say anything coherent. Mischa gave Tom a quick kiss, and then he lubed up his fingers while Tom watched.
With a feeling of going beyond the point of no return, Tom lifted his leg and let it fall to the side to give Mischa access to his ass.
"The other leg, too, baby." Feeling so exposed, Tom spread his legs even more. Mischa took a pillow and placed it under Tom's ass, making him feel really vulnerable. He smiled nervously, trying to exude confidence. Mischa frowned and kissed him.
"Remember, I want to see you. Don't hide any reactions, you hear me?"
Tom nodded. "Sorry. I'm nervous."
"That's all right. Knowing that I make you feel that way makes it better for me. So no hiding."
"I won't. I just... ahh!" Mischa's fingers touched Tom's asshole, making him clench involuntarily. Ignoring Tom's protest, Mischa rubbed his fingers over Tom's hole, and Tom automatically squeezed tightly around Mischa's hand.
"Oh! I... Ah." One of Mischa's fingers pushed in a bit on their way past Tom's hole. He tried to get away from the strange feeling, pressing his hips down. There was no escape from the exploring fingers, and Mischa kept rubbing and stroking, adding more lube. The wetness felt strange and a little nasty on his ass.
On Mischa's next stroke, he pushed his finger into Tom's ass. The invasion was too much, too strange. "Ahh! No. No, please, it's... Oh!" Tom grasped the sheet with both hands. Mischa was relentless, though, pushing his finger in deeper where it felt so strange. "Fuck! Can't do this. Mischa, I really can't." There was no way.
Mischa gently kissed Tom, starting to move his finger in and out. Tom grasped his shoulder, gasping into the kiss. There was no way. But Mischa still did it, and when he ended the kiss, Tom was panting and staring, but not panicking.
"So well done, Tom." Mischa praised him, all the time moving that finger in and out of Tom, beginning to stretch him. Tom writhed, but let it happen, accepted the feelings it gave him. He was rewarded with a fierce kiss, Mischa's lips and tongue almost making him forget the feeling in his ass.
It was impossible to ignore the feeling when he got a second finger, though. The burn was deep and searing, and he made a sound halfway between a groan and a roar. "Mischa!" Tom grabbed Mischa with his other hand, too, clinging to the man and riding the burn, panting with it. Mischa started finger-fucking Tom right away. The movement made Tom grunt and then whimper.
"Oh, yes, you feel it now, don't you?" Mischa looked down at him, triumphant and excited. Tom was far beyond words and only concentrated on getting enough air to make the sounds that he had to make to get through this. His ass ring contracted in a spasm, desperately trying to cope with the intrusion. Mischa moaned.
"Fuck, even with my fingers, this feels so good. Your ass is going to feel even better around my cock." Mischa scissored his fingers and made Tom yell with the burn. "Oh, yes, soon." The stretching went on and on, and Tom found himself riding it to get more, not to avoid it.
Mischa withdrew his fingers and moved away, forcing Tom to let go of him. "No! Don't. Don't stop now." Tom knew he was begging, but he couldn't stop himself.
Mischa laughed, a little breathlessly. "Oh, I'm not going to stop. You'll get my dick next." He opened the small package and rolled on the condom. "I could give you three fingers first, but I'd rather stretch you with my cock." He slathered the lube all over it. "Would you like to get it now?"
"Fuck, yes! Please, Mischa, fuck me. Now, please!" If he had to wait much longer, Tom was going to lose his mind.
"Spread your legs for me." The command made him squeak in embarrassment, but he opened himself up for Mischa. For Mischa's cock to fuck him. Mischa pushed in between Tom's legs, teasingly rubbing himself up and down Tom's crack. Tom groaned and closed his eyes, just floating with the sensations.
"No, look at me." Tom opened his eyes. "I'm going to take you now." Mischa kissed him. "You're going to take my dick, and it will be difficult for you, but I'll make you do it." Tom whimpered into the next kiss. "It's okay for you to scream, but from now on, I won't stop. Remember, I'm in charge."
Tom desperately grabbed Mischa's shoulders again, holding on and trying to make Mischa take him. "Please, please, now, please do it." His begging was a litany.
"Yes. Now." Mischa grabbed Tom's hair with one hand, holding him down, and Tom felt Mischa's dick at his entrance. Then Mischa thrust.
The shout was pushed out of Tom as the cock breached him, the pain deep and searing. It made his eyes water, and he only stopped shouting long enough to get enough air to do it again. Then Mischa pushed unbearably far, opening Tom wider than he could take. He screamed and clawed at Mischa's back, at the unmoving hips, trying to make Mischa withdraw, make this stop.
"Ahh! Please, no! Please, no, no more." He was almost sobbing, the pain spreading from his ass and burning through the lower part of his body. Mischa didn't move, still holding Tom's head down, and kissed him. Tom's frantic pleas were drowned by the kiss, but bubbled up as soon as Mischa let him go. "Please, Mischa! I can't do this, you're too big, I can't..."
"Shh. You're doing fine. Now, take a deep breath."
Tom shook his head. There was no way, no way he could...
"Listen!" The grip around his chin was hard. "Listen to me. Take a deep breath and let it out." He tried. Mischa put a hand on his stomach. "Down deep. Try again. Deep breath, hold it, and then let it out."
Tom did a little better this time, and it made his ass relax a bit He did it again, and again, the feeling almost bearable now. He panted and looked into Mischa's eyes.
Mischa smiled and kissed him. Then the man withdrew and pushed back in. Tom yelled, his back arching and everything going tight with need. Just like that, the pain had been pushed into the background by the pleasure. The burn was still there, so bright that Tom could only pant around it.
"Yes!" Mischa's voice was triumphant, and he drove himself a litt
le deeper this time, taking Tom's breath away.
Mischa started moving, making the burn flare and Tom whimper. The man thrust a little bit deeper every time, making Tom grunt when the cock inside him went too deep, making it hurt. Then Mischa ground into something inside Tom, causing him to shout. Mischa set up a steady movement, hitting the sensitive spot every time and making Tom cry out from the pleasure. Tom suddenly realized how hard Mischa was making him.
All of a sudden, Mischa held still, looking into Tom's eyes. "I'm far in you, but I still have two inches to go." He dug a bit deeper, making Tom groan. "Taking the last of me will hurt. Probably a lot." He looked searchingly into Tom's eyes. "The choice is yours. Do you want to take me? I know you can -- or, rather, that I can make you."